Education and training Resources

05 December 2023
Diagnostic spirometry is key to supporting a clinical diagnosis of lung impairment. As a result of Covid-19, spirometry services in primary care were all but cancelled. There was much debate about the potential risks associated with spirometry as a potential aerosol generated procedure (AGP); clarity was needed for patients and staff. The evidence is now clearer, spirometry is not an AGP, although spirometry-associated cough has the potential to release airborne particles in the air, associated with an increased risk of transmission of harmful viruses such as Covid, influenza and the common cold. This article explores recent evidence to support the safe re-introduction of quality-assured spirometry in primary care, looking at how risks can be mitigated to try to readdress the backlog of diagnostic spirometry thought to be in the region of 200–250 patents per 500,00 population. Spirometry is important to reduce health inequalities for patients yet to have a diagnosis of lung disease.
10 July 2023
Like type 2 diabetes, developing prediabetes is a growing and concerning trend; affecting around 15% of the population. If not kept in check, it commonly progresses to type 2 diabetes. Certain population groups are at risk, such as African-Caribbean, as are those who experience certain medical conditions, such as gestational diabetes. Although blood sugar levels do not reach the level of type 2 diabetes, living with prediabetes does increase the risk of diabetes complications. Yet, individuals often do not realise that they have the condition. Insulin resistance is present in prediabetes so preventing this from developing means preventing insulin resistance from occurring. Diet and lifestyle can halt the progress of this disease and it can be reversed. Weight loss is key, as is eating a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet. Physical activity can also help to offset prediabetes and this should include resistance training as well as aerobic exercise. It is a growing trend in younger adults not normally associated with developing this condition, and so it is important that prediabetes is identified to prevent the longer term health consequences.
Topics:  Prevention
01 June 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to rapidly change the way we work. If we look back to where we were this time last year, while we may have been aware of ensuing problems, we probably had little idea of the full impact of what lay ahead and how quickly we would all need to adapt. Here, Julie Catchpole, director and founder of Rotherham Respiratory, reflects on how the organisation has adapted its courses to ensure that healthcare professionals continue to access education and training to provide optimum patient care.