Prevention Resources

10 July 2023
Like type 2 diabetes, developing prediabetes is a growing and concerning trend; affecting around 15% of the population. If not kept in check, it commonly progresses to type 2 diabetes. Certain population groups are at risk, such as African-Caribbean, as are those who experience certain medical conditions, such as gestational diabetes. Although blood sugar levels do not reach the level of type 2 diabetes, living with prediabetes does increase the risk of diabetes complications. Yet, individuals often do not realise that they have the condition. Insulin resistance is present in prediabetes so preventing this from developing means preventing insulin resistance from occurring. Diet and lifestyle can halt the progress of this disease and it can be reversed. Weight loss is key, as is eating a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet. Physical activity can also help to offset prediabetes and this should include resistance training as well as aerobic exercise. It is a growing trend in younger adults not normally associated with developing this condition, and so it is important that prediabetes is identified to prevent the longer term health consequences.
Topics:  Prevention
29 March 2023
Pneumonia continues to cause mortality around the world, despite advances in treatment and prevention. The disease can affect any age and can present with variable degrees of severity ranging from mild to severe, with the worst cases resulting in admission to hospital. While vaccination in the UK has impacted on the severity and death rate of this potentially devastating disease, the condition continues to be the largest cause of mortality in children with the highest death rates seen in under developed countries. This article gives an overview of treatment, management and prevention, as well as a brief insight into the possible long-term effects following recovery from pneumonia in babies and children.
Topics:  Treatment
19 June 2020

The terms sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are used to cover a number of individual conditions that vary in their presentation, treatment, management and risk, and severity of complications. Statistics indicate that the prevalence of some diseases is rising, while others are falling. Yet, in spite of these findings, in 2017 there were 422,147 new diagnoses of STIs made in England alone (Public Health England [PHE], 2018). Current data shows that young people experience the highest diagnosis rates, thought to be likely due to more frequent rates of partner change among younger adults, with females more likely to be diagnosed than males (PHE, 2018). Early detection and treatment is key if complications and avoidance of spread are to be achieved. Given the incidence of some STIs, it is likely that general practice nurses (GPNs) and GPs will be approached by patients asking for help and advice. This article gives an overview of some of the more common STIs, with the aim of improving knowledge and confidence in this area of clinical practice.

Topics:  Advice
22 May 2015

This article focuses on prevention in the Five Year Forward View (NHS England, 2014a) and the role of primary care, particularly the role of the general practice nurse (GPN). It will:

  • Describe the policy context for behaviour change interventions and how this will affect the expectations of clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and NHS England as commissioners of general practice
  • Define behaviour change interventions and the role of the GPN in delivering these
  • Link behaviour change to longterm conditions management and support for self-care
  • Recognise some of the practical issues which work against delivery of behaviour change in general practice
  • Set out the opportunities for GPNs as leaders in improving their patients’ health.