Resources Resources

05 March 2024
A primary concern for many cancer survivors is getting cancer again or it returning. Unfortunately, recurrence can happen but there is evidence that dietary interventions, generally combined with physical activity, improve overall quality of life and give the body the best chance of warding off recurrence. Being the right weight for height is also important.This article explores dietary and lifestyle considerations, dispels some myths, and considers other aspects of diet and lifestyle and prevention of cancer recurrence, such as alcohol intake, physical activity and food-borne disease. It also looks at the role certain sweeteners may have, along with ultra-processed foods, use of certain supplements and the role of fibre. Definitive evidence is often not available for this aspect of cancer, but this article presents the most up-to-date findings. Specialist post treatment palliative care is not covered.
Topics:  Resources
23 November 2016

Atopic eczema is a common dry skin condition, and, as with any dry skin condition, emollients are a fundamental aspect of care. With so much choice there can be uncertainty around which product to use. Choosing one product over another can create confusion for both healthcare professionals and patients. This paper looks at emollients, the products available, how to use them and the current evidence and research relating to emollient use for atopic eczema. The reader is also directed to additional resources to support clinical practice.

Topics:  Resources