Covid-19 Resources

10 December 2020
Lockdown, as a result of the current health crisis, has demonstrated the risks that social isolation can have on physical and mental wellbeing. Social isolation and loneliness in the UK are rising, with nine million adults reported to be lonely and little chance of this changing once full restrictions are lifted post lockdown. While four million of this group are elderly, the remaining five million come from a diverse range of age and social groups, highlighting the diversity of this complex problem. To address the challenges loneliness produces, a multifaceted approach needs to be taken to find solutions and tools to help those working in primary care support the most vulnerable patients. Digital technology, in particular virtual reality (VR), may be one area that could provide some answers.
Topics:  Virtual reality
01 September 2020
Delivering the flu vaccination programme this coming season will be a greater challenge than ever before. The impact of COVID-19 on all healthcare services will also be felt when trying to deliver a vaccination programme in a short period of time to numerous patients, and perhaps an even greater number of patients than in previous years. There are various options in terms of delivery models and plans, but it is important that those who give the majority of vaccines in general practice, general practice nurses (GPNs), are involved in the planning of a delivery model which best suits the practice and the practice population. Careful risk assessment and documentation of decisions is important, as well as the ability to be flexible during the season and ready to offer flu vaccine to other eligible groups as the season progresses.
Topics:  Vaccine
19 June 2020

The current Covid-19 pandemic has thrown countries and societies into a crisis management situation, resulting in lockdowns and unprecedented high demand on health and public services. Here, Teresa Burdett, senior lecturer in integrated health care, unit lead for foundations of integrated care and person-centred services and unit lead for foundations of general practice nursing and Lee-Ann Fenge, professor of social care, both at Bournemouth University, look at integrated health and social care provision to improve existing care delivery methods and promote person-centred care.