Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | September 2023

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Group clinics: a care model whose time has come?

Group clinics: a care model whose time has come?
Long term conditions

Pages: 29 - 33

Article topics: Group clinics, Job satisfaction, Person-centred care, Shared medical appointments, Virtual care

Group clinics were one of 10 high impact actions for primary care in 2016. In randomised controlled studies, they improve self-management of type two diabetes and demonstrate positive impacts on: key biometrics, knowledge of diabetes, quality of life, patient-initiated behaviour changes and empowerment. These changes sustain in those from low-income underserved communities. They also improve adherence with quality and outcomes framework standards, reduce A&E visits among vulnerable people with diabetes, and build trust between clinicians and patients. There is evidence that group clinics improve access, reduce waiting times and free up clinician time. They are especially well suited to general practice nursing’s caseload. Introducing group clinics upskills nurses and the whole primary care team, and return joy and autonomy to nursing through deeper connections with patients and by providing the opportunity for nurses to reimagine and revitalise repetitive chronic disease reviews. This is highly motivating and supports retention. Their time has come.

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