Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | June 2022

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Upper airway disorders: bridging the gap between primary and secondary care — part one

Upper airway disorders: bridging the gap between primary and secondary care — part one
Primary care

Pages: 33 - 39

This article, the first in a two-part series, aims to raise awareness of upper airway disorders, as defined by the recently published upper airway disorders position paper from the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT; Haines et al, 2021). It provides a summary of the aetiology and clinical presentations for persistent throat symptoms, refractory chronic cough, and inducible laryngeal obstruction. These disorders are primarily related to laryngeal dysfunction, rather than lower airways disease, virus, or infection. Recognising the immense time pressures within clinical practice, tables have been included that could be provided to support patients with understanding their symptoms. Part two will look at managment approaches, including self-care strategies, and advice on where to refer people presenting with upper airway disorder symptoms.

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