Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) | June 2020

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Getting the most from children and young people’s asthma reviews

Getting the most from children and young people’s asthma reviews
Health promotion

Article topics: Asthma, Asthma review, Children, Education, young people

With the ever-expanding role of general practice nurses (GPNs), alongside increased clinical scope and capacity, and increasing pressures of targets, it can be easy to simply ‘tick the boxes’ during an asthma review. However, an asthma review is not only to get an enhanced view of the child or young person’s asthma control in general, but also their individual perceptions, triggers, along with their own agenda or drivers (which may not be the same as the clinicians). By considering social, family or emotional influences, the review can answer crucial questions, such as, ‘Why has this child been to A&E again?’, ‘Why is this child getting through four reliever inhalers each month?’, or, ‘Why have these siblings missed their review again when one was so ill last year?’. This article explores how GPNs are well placed to educate patients and their families about asthma, to discuss inhaler technique, medication use and asthma triggers, as well as to ensure that children and families are aware of the importance of attending their next asthma review. It also discusses the use of tools in assessment and planning.

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