Journal of Community Nursing - page 5

2015,Vol 1, No 1
aring for patients with skin conditions can be both challenging
and rewarding, but often in the rush to deal with what are
sometimes seen as more‘deserving’conditions, such as heart
disease, diabetes, or cancer, skin care falls through the cracks, even
though the skin itself is the largest and one of
the most complex organs we have.The impact of
dermatological disorders is more than skin deep, as
whether they are minor or more serious, the
fact that they affect a person’s appearance means
that they not only have physical, but also
psychosocial consequences.
Skin care and skin protection is a vital aspect of nursing care, and
healthcare professionals should be competent and able to effectively
assess and treat patients.
This new journal aims to reach all those caring for patients with skin
conditions and to inform clinical practice.The first issue covers the bases
with features that explore the different emollient therapies available
and how to perform comprehensive skin assessment. Such assessment
underpins the clinical articles on incontinence-related skin damage,
issues around ‘wet, leaky legs’, common skin infections and infestations,
venous eczema, childhood eczema and psoriasis — all of which can
affect patient self-esteem and quality of life.The practical posters offer
further education, as the importance of providing optimum skin care and
promoting skin health cannot be over-emphasised.
It is hoped that through the features, clinical articles and posters,
Care Today
will help raise the profile of dermatological nursing, an often
under-recognised area of care despite being so vital to patient wellbeing.
And, it is very readable for those looking for support...
Sandra Lawton, OBE, nurse consultant dermatology,
Queen’s Nurse, Nottingham University Hospitals NHSTrust
April, 2015
Nicola Rusling
Binkie Mais
Jason Beckford-Ball
Alec O’Dare
07535 282827
Joanna Issa
Opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect those of Wound Care People Limited.
Any products referred to by the authors should only be used as
recommended by manufacturers’data sheets.
Let’s raise the profile of a
vital area of patient care
©Wound Care People Limited 2015
Finials House, The Square,
Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire GL54 1AF
ISSN 2058-6760
t: +44(0) 1451 870310
All rights reserved. No part of the
Skin Care Today
journal may be
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electronic or mechanical, photocopied or otherwise without the
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Printed in England by Blackmore Ltd, Shaftesbury
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